Chapter Calls from the Society of the Sacred Heart Chapter documents, 2016

What is a General Chapter?

General Chapters of the Society of the Sacred Heart are held every six to eight years, with the exception of a Special Chapter, which may be called by the Superior General. Each General Chapter ensures and promotes both communion and vitality in the Society of the Sacred Heart in view of its mission. It represents all the members of the Society.

Chapter Calls 2016

We are aware of living in a historic time of change and uncertainty. The Spirit continues to transform us as a Society in order to respond to the cries and hopes of our world with the same daring trust and confidence with which Sophie and Philippine responded in their time.

Like them, united in our searching and open to the gifts of the Spirit in this new moment, we are called:

1. To reach new frontiers:
To go out, to “set sail” as a Society and go with others to new geographic and existential peripheries to accompany the life that is emerging there, to defend justice, peace, and the integrity of creation in response to all of those who are searching for meaning in their lives, those who have been wounded, displaced, and excluded because of poverty, violence, and environmental degradation.

2. To live more humanly:
In the radical style of Jesus of Nazareth, we wish to be in closer relationship as sisters with one another and with others; we wish to be simpler, more human and closer to people and their experience, in order to show forth the joyful and compassionate face of God and to be at the service of Life, wherever we are sent.

3. To create silence:
To deepen our interior life, our capacity for contemplation and for listening to the heartbeat of God in ourselves and in our world; to discern in silence and welcome the action of the Spirit that transforms us, energizes us, and calls us to live our prophetic and educational mission.

4. To be and to act as one Body:
To revitalize our unity in diversity and to act as one Body, dynamic, interconnected, linked with other bodies, in the world and as Church, in order to share, collaborate, and be in solidarity among ourselves and with others.

For more information on the General Chapter 2016, click here.​​​​​​​​​​​​

Transformation of the Heart by Jana Parkes

Transformation of the Heart by Jana Parkes


Being Artisans of Hope in Our Blessed and Broken World

An International JPIC meeting in the Society took place in the Philippines, November 14-25, 2018.

Four imperatives emerged from this meeting, which are outlined in a detailed synthesis document titled Being Artisans of Hope in Our Blessed and Broken World. These four imperatives are:

  1. Washing one another's feet: An invitation to critically reflect on JPIC and our relationship to power.
  2. Transforming and being transformed: advocacy that begins with soul-searching honesty.
  3. Caring for our common home.
  4. Welcoming people on the move and walking with those who seek refuge and who hope for a better future.

Read the full document below.