Dear Sacred Heart family,
On behalf on the Network of Sacred Heart Schools Board, I am excited to welcome Saint Philomena School to the Network of Sacred Heart Schools. Yesterday, at our membership meeting, the heads, chairs and United States – Canada Provincial Team acted on the recommendation of Provincial Sheila Hammond, RSCJ. Sister Hammond offered the following resolution:
I am delighted to share with the Members that having reviewed all of the documents regarding St. Philomena's request to be a Sacred Heart school, the Provincial Team agrees with the view of the Sacred Heart Commission on Goals that the school is living the values of Sacred Heart education as articulated in the Goals and Criteria. Having determined that the school reflects the mission of the Society, we come to the Members today to recommend that St. Philomena School be given full membership to the Network of Sacred Heart Schools.
We voted unanimously to accept Saint Philomena to full membership! The school is the 25th member school in the Network.
Saint Philomena is located in Portsmouth, Rhode Island, and was founded by the Faithful Companions Of Jesus (FCJ). The School has an outstanding reputation having been twice named a Blue Ribbon School of Excellence by the U.S. Department of Education and designated a Rhode Island top 10 school by Johns Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth. The School embraces and lives the Goals and Criteria and is an excellent fit for our Network. Saint Philomena is accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges. The School has enrollment of 420 boys and girls from preschool through grade 8.
Saint Philomena School board chair, John Bohan, shared this reflection in response to the formal membership approval:
We are thrilled to be formally accepted into the Network of Sacred Heart Schools. This is an important step in a multi-year strategic transition that positions Saint Philomena School to build on its nearly 70-year history of excellence as a leading Catholic independent school.
A note from Brian Cordeiro, head of school of Saint Philomena School, on acceptance into the Network:
Saint Philomena School is elated to join the Network of 24 companion Sacred Heart schools to advance our common mission within the Goals and Criteria that challenge students, educators, parents and alumnae/i to transform our world for good. United in our common vision so beautifully articulated by Saint Madeleine Sophie Barat, Saint Philomena School brings our rich and intersecting history animated by the Faithful Companions of Jesus into an exciting future as we grow in the charism with the Sacred Heart family around the world.
This is truly an extraordinary moment of witness for Catholic education. Our partnership together ensures a vibrant future for generations of young people from Rhode Island who will come to share and grow in courage and confidence alongside our brother and sister Catholic independent schools in the Network of Sacred Heart Schools.Our entire community offers our deepest thanks to the Religious of the Sacred Heart and the leaders and communities comprising the Network of Sacred Heart Schools for their sponsorship, welcome and collaboration. Together, may our collective heart grow wider and more united to share the love of God, courageously lead in transformative education and confidently advance our common mission to inspire young people to rebuild, renew and transform society!
Please join me in welcoming the community of Saint Philomena to the Network.
For more information about Saint Philomena School and all our Sacred Heart member schools, please visit the Network website sacredheartusc.education.
Beth Hicks