'Times Change: A History of the Network of Sacred Heart Schools'

'Times Change: A History of the Network of Sacred Heart Schools'

 “Times Change,” written by Susan Putman Maxwell, RSCJ, is an apt description of the developments in schools of the Society of the Sacred Heart and other Catholic schools throughout the world in the era since the Second Vatican Council of the Catholic Church. In this book, the author, who has played a significant role in these developments, offers her memoir of the turbulence and the triumphs of this piece of educational history. She traces the development of the vision statement of Sacred Heart education against the background of the educational philosophy of the Society.

Heart Magazine, Bicentennial 2018

Heart magazine, Bicentennial 2018

Two hundred years ago, Mother Rose Philippine Duchesne and four companions set sail for the New World. These were the first Religious of the Sacred Heart missionary sisters. These courageous women led the way for multitudes of RSCJ to take Sacred Heart education around the world!

In 2017 and 2018, we are celebrating! The pages of this issue of Heart magazine are special because they are filled with our bicentennial activities from 2017. Read about the Spirituality Forum, pilgrimages, the Year of Prayer, a celebration in New Orleans, upcoming events and more!

Saint Rose Philippine Duchesne: A Heart on Fire across Frontiers

'Saint Rose Philippine Duchesne: A Heart on Fire across Frontiers'

In time for its bicentennial celebration, the Society of the Sacred Heart published “Saint Rose Philippine Duchesne: A Heart on Fire across Frontiers.”

Two hundred years ago, Rose Philippine Duchesne set out across the Atlantic to establish the Society of the Sacred Heart and educate the children of the new world. Opening the first Catholic school west of the Mississippi, Mother Duchesne, known as “the woman who prays always,” crossed frontiers to bring faith, love and education to the new world.

The Mother's Rosary by Paula Capps

The Mother's Rosary

A group of mothers came together more than twenty years ago to pray for their children in the chapel of their school. Every week they gathered, praying the rosary fo the physical and spiritual safety of their children. The Mother's Rosary is the result of the love and devotion of these mothers. Now this book can serve as the catalyst for mothers to gather anywhere to pray for their children and to petition the aid of the Blessed Mother to help them be the best mothers possible.

Mission for the Emerging Future 2015-16 Mission Advancement Report

Annual Report, 2015-16

Our donors’ participation in God’s ongoing work of love through the Society of the Sacred Heart makes a significant difference – both now and into the future. Thank you for each gift to the province, as each gift helps to further our spiritual and educational mission and contributes to the care of our elderly sisters.
