Week of October 24 - November 2
Join us, beginning this Saturday, for 10 days of prayer and contemplation before election day in the United States. As One Body, we will gather together to take a moment of pause, to quiet our hearts, to find our breath and to be attentive to the voice of God.
Join and view the Facebook Live event through the We Are Sacred Heart - RSCJ Facebook page. (Note: You must have a Facebook account to view Facebook Live.)
October 24 - November 2
at 12 p.m. ADT; 11 a.m. EDT; 10 a.m. CDT; 9 a.m. MDT; 8 a.m. PDT
This daily prayer and contemplation will be about 30 minutes and include Lectio Divina, Espacio and an Examen. The prayer will be recorded and posted on the We Are Sacred Heart - RSCJ Facebook page each day. (We will update this webpage with recordings as we are able.) Political propaganda posts are inappropriate in this prayer space and will be promptly removed.
Due to an error in our livestream, day 5 is unable to be posted at this time.