Week 16 (July 5-11)
The United States – Canada Province will be gathering for a Special Provincial Chapter virtually July 9-12 to generate input and to elect delegates for a gathering (General Chapter) of the international Society in November 2021.
As the Religious of the Sacred Heart, Associates and guests of the United States – Canada Province gather, let us join together each day of the Chapter with the prayer written for this occasion. Together, let us count on the presence of the Spirit, courage and confidence and the Spirit of discernment in these important days ahead.
Special Chapter Prayer
Spirit, Creator,
You make all things new,
You go ahead of us on the way.
Light up the way we look at things,
make us able to see
The ways you are acting in us, in
others and in the world.
Spirit of discernment,
Guide us throughout this chapter.
Inspire our thoughts, our words, and
the way we speak them,
Guide our assemblies and our conversations
In our common search to better serve you.
Spirit of light,
Dwell in each RSCJ, in the whole
family of the Sacred Heart
so that your priorities become ours.
May your inspiration enlighten us.
May your power enable us to act.